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Paul Williams |
In 1977 I was 19 and had moved to New Mexico from Pennsylvania by myself. I had gone to high school in PA and everyone I knew was having babies and getting married. Did not feel like my path and so I moved to New Mexico in search of my own “McCloud” cowboy. Although I ended up getting quite good at and loving western dancing, “cowboys” were not my path either.
New Mexico, “The Land of Enchantment” was (and is) full of many diverse
types and a lot of that being “New Age” oriented. The joke has been "Old hippies don’t die,
they just move to New Mexico".
It was there sometime in the early 80's I came across this book and it opened
my eyes in ways I never knew existed before. Although I had a strong feeling I had known all of it before, a definite undeniable resonance.
I re-read it recently and I
still love it and understand why I was so attracted to it back then.
I am forever grateful to Paul Williams, he directed me to my correct path. My divine path.
The first four pages read as follows:
Das Energi
A series of verses by Paul Williams.
Page 1
The only sin is self-hatred.
It is the act of negation.
It is the opposite of faith.
There is no such thing as evil.
The concept is a crutch.
We will not heal until we throw away the crutch
To heal is to become healthier.
To become healthier is to enjoy a freer flow of energy.
It is the flow that gets us high.
To perceive something as "evil" is to imagine that
That object, that person, is not a part of me.
he is something else.
To perceive "evil" is to attempt to deny
that we are all one.
We have a myth that relates to this.
The myth is God and Satan.
The fallen angel, Lucifer --
Cast out of heaven for disobeying God.
God who is good. Lucifer who is not-good.
Not-God. Evil.
A series of verses by Paul Williams.
Page 1
The only sin is self-hatred.
It is the act of negation.
It is the opposite of faith.
There is no such thing as evil.
The concept is a crutch.
We will not heal until we throw away the crutch
To heal is to become healthier.
To become healthier is to enjoy a freer flow of energy.
It is the flow that gets us high.
To perceive something as "evil" is to imagine that
That object, that person, is not a part of me.
he is something else.
To perceive "evil" is to attempt to deny
that we are all one.
We have a myth that relates to this.
The myth is God and Satan.
The fallen angel, Lucifer --
Cast out of heaven for disobeying God.
God who is good. Lucifer who is not-good.
Not-God. Evil.
But who is God trying to kid?
God is All. There is nothing that is not God.
Lucifer is God. There is no distance.
One can not fall from grace.
One can pretend, perhaps, that that brother over yonder
Page 2
Is not me, he is something else, he is everything
that I cast out of myself - one can pretend,
but not for long.
There is no way to cast out any part of one's self
God is All. There is nothing that is not God.
Lucifer is God. There is no distance.
One can not fall from grace.
One can pretend, perhaps, that that brother over yonder
Page 2
Is not me, he is something else, he is everything
that I cast out of myself - one can pretend,
but not for long.
There is no way to cast out any part of one's self
Systems of energy contain no garbage. There is
no such thing as garbage.
Dear God, the jig is up.
Stop chasing your tail. Embrace your self.
Lucifer returns to Heaven!
Let there be dancing in the streets.
The only sin is self-hatred.
We call it sin but it's true name is delusion.
We have got to get ourselves back to the Garden
Easily done.
We are in the Garden.
Let us open our eyes.
Page 3
If you let go, something will happen.
Fear is always anticipation of the unknown.
Most human energy flow problems relate to
The inability to relax.
Fear of letting go.
If you let go, something will happen.
Fear of the unknown.
Rational mind :: wants to make a deal ::
first tell me what will happen,
and then I’ll let go.
Fuck you.
No one ever knows what’s going to happen.
The future—next moment---is unknowable---unknown.
Rational mind won’t believe that.
He is afraid to.
Page 4
Sometimes it is enlightening to have a word for
God; sometimes it is blinding.
If you make a list of words for God,
you will have a list of all words.
You will not have God.
Energy flows through all things;
it rests in none of them.
no such thing as garbage.
Dear God, the jig is up.
Stop chasing your tail. Embrace your self.
Lucifer returns to Heaven!
Let there be dancing in the streets.
The only sin is self-hatred.
We call it sin but it's true name is delusion.
We have got to get ourselves back to the Garden
Easily done.
We are in the Garden.
Let us open our eyes.
Page 3
If you let go, something will happen.
Fear is always anticipation of the unknown.
Most human energy flow problems relate to
The inability to relax.
Fear of letting go.
If you let go, something will happen.
Fear of the unknown.
Rational mind :: wants to make a deal ::
first tell me what will happen,
and then I’ll let go.
Fuck you.
No one ever knows what’s going to happen.
The future—next moment---is unknowable---unknown.
Rational mind won’t believe that.
He is afraid to.
Page 4
Sometimes it is enlightening to have a word for
God; sometimes it is blinding.
If you make a list of words for God,
you will have a list of all words.
You will not have God.
Energy flows through all things;
it rests in none of them.
Page 40
The nature of fear is that it feeds itself. Under proper conditions, it feeds itself incredibly quickly. Reason is not fast enough to stamp out fear. That is the mistake most of us make. Do not argue with fear. Wipe it from your mind the instant you recognize it.
Practice. Become skilled at recognizing the earliest symptoms. The only way to deal with fear is by reflex. Stop it. Wipe it out. Shoot first, ask questions later.
Consider a tightrope-walker. The thought begins: what if I were to get scared? What if I were to look down? The thought must be killed at the first sound of “what if.” To wait any longer is to lose one’s certainty, to lose one’s footing, to plunge. We are all tightrope-walkers. We must learn that reflex to survive.
Excerpt from Das Energi, by Paul Williams (1973)
More about the author:
“He smoked his first joint with Brian Wilson while listening to the
masters of what would become Smile; he counselled a struggling
Springsteen on musical direction (just before The Boss finally broke through
with Born To Run); he and pal Timothy Leary spent a night with John and
Yoko during the Toronto Bed-In-For-Peace, and Williams later rejoined the
couple to sing on "Give Peace a Chance". He bitched out Jim Morrison
for leaving a book Williams lent him behind on a plane; he hitched a ride to
Woodstock in a limo with The Grateful Dead; and all the while, Williams was
writing--refracting the pure creative energy around him through a powerful
critical lens. And he did it so well that he, as an individual figure, doesn't
tend to register in our contemporary consciousness. Rock criticism (and its
various offshoots) has become such an integral thread in the cultural fabric
that we assume, in a way, that it's always existed. But ask anyone familiar
with its history, and they'll tell you that the genre was born of Paul
Excerpt Originally published in the San Diego City Beat.
Brian Wilson - Smile
From - The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985 Documentary)
John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance
Paul Williams
Called by many the “father of rock
criticism” after founding Crawdaddy Magazine at the age of 17, crucial early
champion of Philip K Dick, author of the underground classic Das Energi,
confidant of John Lennon, biographer of Bob Dylan and travelling companion to
the Grateful Dead, Paul Williams has lived a half dozen remarkable lifetimes,
and his work as rock critic, holistic philosopher and avant-garde underground
gadfly forms a unique and indispensable link through the past 40 years of pop
and rock culture.
Das Energi (1973)
By far Paul Williams’ biggest selling book (with more than a half-million copies sold) Das Energi is a relentlessly positive, incredibly empowering consciousness handbook. Written in 18 days in the summer of 1970, in the form of thoughts, ruminations and intriguing lines of prose-poetry, Das Energi is a life-love-and-liberty-affirming treatise on the economics of human and cosmic energy, emphasizing the vital importance of energy flow. A timeless treasure fusing rock and roll, Eastern philosophy, and New Age consciousness, Das Energi exists as both an oracle of wisdom and a harbinger of the coming paradigm shift in awareness.~Ron Colone.
In 1995, while living with his future wife, the singer Cindy Lee Berryhill in Encinitas, California, Paul suffered a traumatic brain injury in a spill from his bicycle, and was never completely able to resume his full activities as a writer. The injury likely triggered an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease; some symptoms were immediate, while others revealed themselves in tragic slow motion: fading powers of memory, then of comprehension and speech. In 2008, unable to continue caring for Paul while also taking care of their eight year-old son, Cindy began to arrange for Paul to live in managed care outside the home. Like so many freelancers, Paul lived without any structure of institutional support.
Excerpt from www.paulwilliams.com
The following is from Cindy Lee Berryhill's blog spot:
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www.cindyleeberryhill.blogspot.com |
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Cindy Lee Berryhill and Son Alexander |
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"Paul holds and considers the guitar pick Patti Smith handed me, 2 weeks ago, to give to him. She acknowledged him and another influential rock journalist Paul Nelson, quite nicely in her book Just Kids".
~Posted by Cindy Lee Berryhill 02/01/13
Instead of epilogue:
Until I did the research for this article, I knew nothing
about Paul Williams except that he wrote “Das Energi”. I was blown away and humbled by what I
learned about him past and present.
My 'path' has taken me many places, all of which I believe have reasons
and lessons.
Reasons and lessons that are at times beyond
me, yet always divinely a part of me.
I am grateful in this time and space to share this beautiful, timeless book and
about its author, Paul Williams, whose story is filled with Love, Humanity and Grace.
Josephine Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....la tua strada illumina..........
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήLa nostra vita ha uno scopo? Io credo di sì, e sono sicura che abbiamo bisogno di uno scopo per essere realmente felici...Senza uno scopo la vita è priva di significato e le nostre decisioni mancano di passione. Non essendo ancorate a una solida struttura,...le nostre decisioni hanno breve durata, anche se possono produrre effetti estremi come delusione, amarezza, paura, confusione e caos.....al contrario, le persone che sono in contatto con lo scopo della loro vita sono facili da riconoscere.... i loro occhi brillano perché sono illuminati dall’interno.. la loro vita risplende di entusiasmo e di significato.... sono persone infiammate di energia.. perché sono loro a nutrire se stesse invece di far dipendere la loro felicità e la loro pace mentale dagli altri..in genere irradiano serenità e non si lasciano sviare facilmente..... il contatto con il compito della loro vita dà loro il potere e la fiducia necessari per superare i momenti difficili e per godere dei momenti belli.
L'energia della mente e del cuore....ecco la magia........e io ringrazio anche il mio 50% buddista.........a cui devo..un po' della mia visione della vita.....GRAZIE.
Nadia M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The hairs on my arms are standing up and in a good way...
Διαγραφή"contact with the task of their lives gives them the power and the confidence to overcome difficult moments and to enjoy the good times."
You always touch me so deeply and sweetly with your viewpoints and your graciousness.
I try to find the joy in all of it... You are a good reflection of that.
i feel your heart...in your words...
Λιτό και απέριττο άρθρο, σχεδόν λακωνικό, για ένα μεγαλοφυή άνθρωπο που "κτυπήθηκε" από την ύπουλη ασθένεια τόσο πρόωρα.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΜου αρέσει πολύ το κείμενό σου Ιωσηφίνα.
Δεν είναι πολλές οι φορές, που στην ζωή μας έρχεται μία στιγμή που ζούμε πράγματα, πολύ πάνω από όσα είχαμε ονειρευτεί.
Μερικές φορές ζητάμε από τον δίπλα μας να μας τσιμπήσει, για να δούμε αν ακόμη ονειρευόμαστε ή αν ζούμε πραγματικά τη μαγική στιγμή.
Περνάει μετά αυτή η στιγμή και λέμε, "εντάξει, τώρα τα έχω ζήσει όλα όσα ήθελα".
Και λίγο μετά η μοίρα μας μάς φέρνει απέναντι σε ένα ακόμη όνειρο. Κάτι που μας κάνει και πάλι να πλημμυρίσουμε από αγωνία, μέχρι να δούμε που θα καταλήξει το πράγμα.
Αυτή ήταν η ζωή του προικισμένου Paul Williams. Πήγαινε κλιμακωτά και ανοδικά από τη μια επιτυχία στην άλλη, με αποκορύφωμα το "Das Energi".
Μετά ήλθε η καταξίωση και μετά η ασθένεια που πριν από όλα λιώνει το μυαλό σου.
Το μυαλό μιας ζηλευτής, διανοητικής, μουσικής και φιλοσοφικής ευφυίας !
Μια ακόμη τραγική ειρωνεία έλαβε χώρα εδώ.
Το άρθρο σου Jo πλησιάζει και μας κάνει γνωστή την τραγωδία αυτή με σοβαρότητα και μεγάλη λεπτότητα.
Είναι τόσο ενδιαφέρον και αξιέπαινο να πλησιάζουμε τέτοια δράματα με τόση λεπτότητα, όσο η δική σου.
Thank you Foivos, the humanity of it all is so precious.
ΔιαγραφήThere is something Paul is still offering the world in his tragic circumstances. I know this story touched my heart and put me closer to being in the moment at a time I needed the reminder, such a gift.
And his wife, the grace with which she continues to honor him and their son. It all makes me want to be better and more mindful.
I love this beautiful description Foivos, so real, raw and elegant! You fill my heart with your deep understanding and expression.
Διαγραφή"There are many times in our lives comes a time when we are things, well above what we had dreamed.
Sometimes we ask of us to our next bite, to see if you still dreaming or if we are truly magical moment.
Then passes this moment and say, "okay, now I live what I wanted."
And shortly after our destiny brings us towards another dream. Something that makes us once again flooded by anxiety, until we come to the thing.
This was the life of the talented Paul Williams. Go and scaled upwards from one success to another, culminating in "Das Energi"."
Συχνά αναρωτιόμουν αν το μονοπάτι που ακολουθώ είναι πραγματικά το δικό μου, εστίαζα σωστά στο δικό μου σκοπό; Και που είναι οι επιτυχίες, η αναγνώριση, τα κεκτημένα για τα οποία πασχίζουν οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι γύρω μου, αυτοί που φαντάζουν επιτυχημένοι; Οι δύσκολες στιγμές μου έδωσαν την απάντηση…με τι ημέρευε το μυαλό κι η ψυχή μου…κι εκείνο το ιδιαίτερο «φτερούγισμα» που ένοιωθα ανάμεσα στο στομάχι, το στέρνο και την καρδιά….τι φωλιάζει εκεί αν όχι ο σκοπός μας, ο λόγος ύπαρξής μας.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήκαι τότε ησύχασα.
Είναι φορές που η καθημερινότητα μας αποσπά την προσοχή και την εστίαση και τότε η απογοήτευση, ο φόβος, η θλίψη έρχονται κοντά μας. Θέλουν να πάρουν τη φωλιά του σκοπού μας, του λόγου ύπαρξής μας και να αλλοιώσουν το μονοπάτι μας. Αν είμαστε ήδη στο μονοπάτι μας κανείς και τίποτα δεν μας κάνει να λοξοδρομήσουμε, το «φτερούγισμα» έχει μοναδική γεύση…πώς να μείνεις στη γη όταν έχεις μάθει να ανοίγεις τα φτερά σου και να πετάς; είναι τόσο ήσυχα και άγρια συγχρόνως εκεί ψηλά, οι αισθήσεις αποκτούν άλλη βαρύτητα, «πώς να την αντέξω όλη αυτή την ομορφιά;» φωνάζει η ψυχή, κλείνει λίγο τα φτερά και βυθίζεται σε πτήση χαμηλή μόνο για να έχει τη χαρά να ανέβει πάλι ψηλά…εκεί όπου όλα είναι ένα και το ένα τα αγκαλιάζει όλα….
for Lucifer is God, there is no distance
όταν βρεις το σκοπό σου, τότε ο ο θεός, ο διάβολος, η ψυχή, ο εαυτός σου, οι γνώσεις σου, το Φως που αποζητάς, το σκοτάδι που βυθίζεσαι είναι όλα το ίδιο. Εκστατικά, παθιασμένα αναγνωρίζεις πως έχεις βρει το νόημα, το λόγο ύπαρξης.
Tότε καταλαβαίνεις πως όμορφες σκέψεις όπως το stop chasing your tail. Embrace yourself έχουν κρυμμένο ένα μέρος του μυστικού. Δεν είναι δύσκολο τελικά….αφήνεις τη μια κυκλική κίνηση και ακολουθείς την άλλη….
Πιστεύω ότι η ζωή είναι απλόχερη με όλους, αρκεί να καταλάβει ο άνθρωπος τα δώρα της. Ο Paul Williams είναι μια μεγάλη απόδειξη. Θα μπορούσε να είναι ακόμα υγιής και να ζεί μια απλή, συμβατική ζωή ή να συνεχίσει να είναι δημιουργικός και υγιής. Στο δικό του μονοπάτι υπήρξε γνώση, αγάπη για αυτό που έκανε, περιέργεια, ενέργεια και αρρώστια. Τα αγκάλιασε όλα και ακολούθησε το δικό του «φτερούγισμα». Ίσως εκεί που έχει αποσυρθεί να συνεχίζει να απολαμβάνει. Απλά εμείς δεν το γνωρίζουμε…
Josephine, just a smile and a hug....I deeply thank you.
Thank you Anastassia!
ΔιαγραφήI believe I know the direction of my path and some of the details but I also have the belief that as long as I am human I will always grow, improve and there is more to be revealed. Sometimes I get "off course" and the true lessons are based in getting back in alignment and letting go of the attachment to "outcome". I seem to be really good at creating those lesson plans!
Paul Williams book is a great reminder and I get different insights from it each time I read it!
Great insights you have here...
"There are times when the daily lives distracted and focus and then the frustration, fear, sorrow come near us. They want to get the nest of our purpose, the reason of our existence and alter our path. If you're already on the path, nobody and nothing makes us astray, the "fluttering" has a unique flavor ... how to stay on earth when you learn to open your wings and fly?" ~ I think maybe being in service to others is how...but I really don't know!
I feel your kind words and hugs like a sweet warm blanket, and I return the affection with much appreciation.
Dear Josephine..
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήEverything has already been told..
so I just need to expess my deep admiration to your excuisite work here...
...what a insight of life itself...
Keep your good and touching work my friend !!!
Dear Evangelia ~
ΔιαγραφήThank you for your wonderful and heart felt support...
You always bring a big smile to my face...
I feel your sincerity and am so grateful...
You are a kind and beautiful soul...
You make a big difference.
Much love and light.