Let's talk about Love, Light and Angels
It wasn't until about 7 years ago that I learned what it was all about. I had started doing work in consciousness and also became a level II Reiki practitioner. My ability to see auras and spirits from other dimensions started to magnify in intensity and frequency. It was also at this time that I started researching and learning about what I was experiencing.
What resonated with me the most were the writings of Dr. Doreen Virtue, a spiritual clairvoyant, who has written many books about connecting with angels. I learned about the things I was seeing and experiencing and how to easily connect with the Angels.
The following information is from Doreen's website www.angeltherapy.com
Doreen, who holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, was the founder and former director of WomanKind Psychiatric Hospital at Cumberland Hall Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. She was also an administrator at Woodside Women's Hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women's psychological issues. Doreen also directed three outpatient psychiatric centers, including an adolescent drug and alcohol abuse center.
As a child, Doreen was a natural clairvoyant, seeing and conversing with what many people call “invisible friends.” But this natural gift and ability was little understood by the young Doreen and her family, and was the cause of teasing by her friends. Consequently, Doreen learned to deny her abilities, effectively shutting them down before she was mature enough to fully appreciate them. But on July 15, 1995, Doreen's personal life and her career, marked by exemplary but conventional success, would be irrevocably altered by an incident that is nothing short of miraculous.
Doreen had been ignoring her angels' guidance to become a teacher of mind-body-spirit issues, so when an angel warned Doreen that her car was going to be stolen on that fateful July afternoon, Doreen ignored him. After all, her habit of arguing with and ignoring the angels was deeply ingrained by then. Despite this, the angel did not abandon Doreen in her most dire moment—as she was parking, two armed men, intent on a carjacking, brandished weapons and physically accosted the unsuspecting Doreen. The voice spoke to her again—it was loud, distinctly male, and it instructed her to scream with all her might. This time she listened, and her life was saved by passers-by who became alarmed and sent her attackers running.
Doreen immediately began a daily rigorous practice of receiving and deciphering her Divine Guidance. Simultaneously, she was reexamining her spiritual beliefs, along with her Western psychological beliefs, the end result being twofold: Doreen was guided to look at psychology from a whole new perspective, and her natural clairvoyance rapidly returned with the same clarity and strength of her childhood experiences. Dr. Virtue's practice then naturally evolved into “Angel Therapy,” in which she combined her background in psychology with her spiritual abilities.
Today, Doreen is known around the world for her connection with the realm of the angels. She has devoted her lifework to teaching us all how to clearly hear the messages from our angels. “When you work with angels, you can lean upon their light to help you heal at miraculous rates and in amazing ways. The angels can help us heal physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.”
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Dr. Doreen Virtue |
According to Doreen, Archangels are
messengers from our creator who oversee our guardian angels and also our human
physical realm. The Archangels have the ability to help each of us
offering their protection and guidance.
Anyone can call on an Archangel for
assistance. Doreen says that "Just thinking an Archangel’s name is enough
to call one to your side". She recommends developing relationships
with them to receive guidance in your life. Because of our free
will Angels will not intervene unless they are asked. All one has do to do is
ask once for an Archangel to assists them always and it is done.
Doreen recommends working with
these 15 Archangels about which she has given us the following detailed
Known as the "Lion of God," Ariel
nurtures the sacred wisdom of the heavens on the Earth plane. Ariel oversees
the elementals, spiritual guides and angelic beings on the planet. Radiating a
deep violet-purple light, Ariel assists you in remaining focused when the
events of daily life become a distraction. Ariel is also a great aid to the
healers and the spiritual teachers of the world, and he encourages the
spiritual awakening of all of humanity. Call on Ariel to open the third eye and
to receive insights from a higher frequency of light energy, to heal, protect
and honor the natural worlds of the Earth, to tap into greater self-confidence
when strength and courage is required, and to re-energize the auric field when
tired or discouraged.
Archangel Azrael:
Azrael is most commonly known as "The Angel
of Death" or "The Keeper of the Door." His quiet and gentle
energy will assist you in healing from the loss of a loved one as he shines a
soft white or pale golden light across your brow. Likewise, Azrael is available
to guide you through the unknown when an important spiritual shift or change of
consciousness longs to be made, especially when you are feeling frightened or
alone. Call on Azrael's help to overcome difficult or challenging life lessons,
to open the heart chakra into greater love and forgiveness, to release the
suffering caused by past dysfunctional relationships, to heal old feelings of
shame or regret, to let go of anger and resentment, and to cultivate courage,
grace and inner peace.
Archangel Chamuel:
Anointed as "He Who Sees God," Chamuel
is the perfect reflection of unconditional love, peace and purity. Emanating a
rosy pink orb of light, Chamuel's infectious optimism has the capacity to lift
you from the depths of darkness and despair. Likewise, he assists you in
reconnecting with our soul mates. Chamuel strengthens the bonds of family and
friendships and heals the brokenhearted, especially after the death or loss of
a loved one. Open your heart to Chamuel when you are feeling lonely and looking
for love, when you have misplaced a piece of jewelry, when you have become
overly suspicious and critical of others, or when you need the strength to
continue to pursue your life's purpose when all has seemingly failed.
Archangel Gabriel:
Renowned across the Universe as the
"Strength of God," Gabriel is the messenger whose trumpet brings news
of life altering experiences. She willingly opens your third eye to reveal the
wisdom of dreams and spiritual visions. Likewise, she assists you in astral
projection and other esoteric studies. Gabriel blesses the birth of a coming
child, whether through conception or adoption. Her silvery blue energy inspires
creativity within the poet, musician and artist. Ask for Gabriel's
support when you need to realign your outer purpose with your inner purpose,
when you have lost sight of your path of destiny, when you wish to communicate
with a loved one who has passed from the earth plane, or when you need to
cleanse the body vessel.
Archangel Haniel:
Called "Grace of God," Haniel's intent is to point the way Home to your true state of being. Using a shimmering blue-white light energy and the light of the celestial heavens as your guide, Haniel encourages you to look to the stars and the moon for insight and spiritual healing. Haniel also invites you to learn from the wisdom of the herbs, the flowers and the crystals as you turn your attention inward to the very essence of your core being. Call on Haniel when you wish to raise your auric vibration to a higher frequency of love and light, to cultivate compassion and understanding, to develop your psychic or intuitive gifts, to be a clear channel for wisdom and guidance, and to connect with your highest and most authentic Self.
Archangel Jeremiel:
The one whose name means "Mercy of
God," Jeremiel shows you the way to live in the luminosity of Grace with
goodness, joy and honor. Emanating a rich violet ray of light energy, Jeremiel
reflects your karmic responsibilities in this lifetime as well as your karmic
review as you transition from one plane to the next. Jeremiel is the
compassionate one who encourages you to lighten up, to enjoy life and to
understand that everyone is doing the best they can. Ask for Jeremiel's
assistance to see more clearly into the future, to receive insight on the best
approach forward, to soothe the tension and stress of everyday living, to
always see the greatest good in others, and to offer your best gifts to the
benefit of all of humanity.
Archangel Jophiel:
Celebrated as the "Beauty of God,"
Jophiel awakens the radiance in the eye of the master artists. Likewise, he
arouses our innate sense of balance and proportion between work and play, so
that we might remember our child-like innocence and enjoy life's simple
blessings. Illuminating your world with a golden ray of light, Jophiel
encourages you to laugh more freely. Above all, Jophiel stirs you from the slumber
of your ignorance and reconnects you with your highest Self. Invite Jophiel to
come nearer when you become too dark and serious for your own good, when you
begin a new creative project, when you are ready to see the true inner beauty
in the people whose paths cross yours, and when you are fully prepared to walk
the path of Spirit.
Archangel Metatron:
Loved by all as the "Angel of the
Covenant," Metatron guides you to see the full power of your thoughts,
words and actions. Metatron resides in the hearts and minds of every person on
the planet and reminds the dreamer that she is one with God. With the energy
flow of the purest and clearest blue sky, Metatron leaves important insights on
your pillow at night to spark the imagination and to inspire a more creative
vision of your life purpose. Ask for Metatron's assistance to communicate your
truest feelings in an open and honest manner, to live life as the artist with
honor and integrity, to listen with compassion, to open the gateway to your
highest intent so that the throat chakra can resonate in full alignment with
the Heart.
Archangel Michael:
Known as the "Prince of Light,"
Michael offers protection to all who serve humanity with courage and integrity.
By emanating a pure golden white light, he shields the energy workers of our
planet by creating a space of vast peacefulness in which deep healing can take
place. Moreover, his blazing sword cuts the bonds of fear and other negative
emotions while he activates the throat chakra so that you might be motivated to
speak with clarity and intention. Invoke Michael when you need protection from
a fearful or uncertain life situation, when you wish to sever an attachment to
a person or situation that no longer serves your greatest good, or when you
need assistance in communicating an important truth.
Archangel Raguel:
Known in Heaven as the "Archangel of
Justice and Fairness," Raguel will assist you in aligning with your true
path of destiny. Raguel is the perfect guide to balance your auric field so that
you might live from a space of truth, honor and integrity. Like a wave of pure
light, shimmering through a field of the softest blue, Raguel's energy honors
your free will while encouraging you to listen to God's Will above all else.
Open your vision to Raguel to facilitate more harmonic relationships, to
negotiate peaceful resolutions in which everyone benefits, to respect the truth
above all else, and to form strong bonds of friendship.
Archangel Raphael:
Called by the name, "One Who Heals,"
Raphael bestows his sweetness and gentle light to all healing situations,
including deep wounds and addictions, caused by past life atrocities or early
childhood memories of abuse. His green energy field sparkles with compassion,
wisdom and imagination as he offers assistance in finding lost pets and other
treasured belongings. Staff in hand, Raphael protects the traveler and will
guide the seeker on his spiritual journey. Request Raphael's assistance when
you wish to restore health and well being to a loved one or yourself, when you
are facing a medical emergency, when your aura feels out of balance, or when
you need to find an innovative and helpful solution to a challenging situation.
Archangel Raziel:
Known throughout the Universe as "Keeper of
Secrets," Raziel is the knower of the mysteries of alchemy and the divine
magic of love. Raziel will assist you in understanding the sacred texts of the
esoteric schools and the teachings of the mystics. Through a golden halo that
completely surrounds his entire energy field, Raziel's clarity can transfer
knowledge and wisdom directly into your crown center. Raziel will take your
hand as you journey through the Tree of Life to rediscover the way Home. Call
on Raziel to find clarity when you are feeling lost or confused and to pierce
through the veil of illusion to realize the light of truth.
Archangel Sandalphon:
Blessed as the "Angel of Prayer,"
Sandalphon was chosen by God to carry your prayers from the Earth plane to
Heaven. Offering mercy and compassion to all of humanity, Sandalphon spins the
prayers of the people of every faith along with the essence of the flowers and
transports them on his green light wings to God's lap. With a vast and
all-encompassing love and a joyous sense of humor, Sandalphon guides the
Lightworkers and the Wayshowers to become a vessel of Divine love and light.
Ask for Sandalphon's assistance to create greater balance and harmony in your
life, to find stability and peace in the midst of upheaval, and to live in
attunement with the rhythms of the Earth's most beautiful and gracious
Considered to be the "Fire of God's
Light," Uriel is a beneficent, though subtle transmitter of divine
prophecy and practical insight. His open hand holds the flame of truth.
Likewise, his warning of impending natural disaster rides the wind and fills
the sky in the form of thunder and lightning. His violet and crystalline energy
opens the solar plexus chakra to transform the energy of the lower chakras to
the more refined frequency of wisdom, compassion and love. Appeal to Uriel when
you are worried, anxious or upset, when you require calm, determined action in
the face of tragedy, when you wish to engage in alchemy and the esoteric study
of spiritual transformation, or when you wish to release fear and negative
patterns of conditioning.
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Archangel Zadkiel:
Recognized as the "Angel of Freedom and
Mercy," Zadkiel teaches us to be generous and kind. He guides you to solve
every problem through the gift of compassion and the offering of forgiveness.
With dagger in hand, he is the guardian of children, the elderly, the weak and
the small. In addition, Zadkiel protects all that is righteous and benevolent
in humanity. Enveloping the prayerful in an orb of clear blue light, Zadkiel
teaches you the path of an open heart. Call upon Zadkiel when you are ready to
release the burden of a guilty conscience, when you are prepared to set aside
your need for judgment and justice, when you are open to new ways to solve old
problems, and when you are truly ready to love your brothers and sisters as
your Self...
And as an epilogue:
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'Michael' (1996)(John Travolta) |
grazie per aver accresciuto la mia cultura e il mio spirito verso gli arcangeli........argomento in cui non sono molto ferrata.........
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήla mia cultura religiosa.....è divisa dalla nascita...grazie ai miei genitori tra il bhuddismo e la cristianità..............credo sia giunto il momento di ascoltarsi di più e ascoltare il proprio cuore, di decidere da "soli"... sentire così se una cosa è buona per noi, portare attenzione a come ci fa sentire, o chiederci qual è il modo di affrontare la giornata
Questa è la nuova epoca dell'Arcangelo Michele e dell'Arcangelo Metatron, capofila degli Angeli della Trasparenza che hanno la missione di trasformare la Terra nella Casa della Luce, portandoci per mano oltre le crisi e le paure..............
e ti lascio un racconto inciso su un antico portale di una chiesa in Umbria (regione italiana).....
"Mentre camminava da solo lungo la spiaggia vedeva 2 impronte, una sua ,l'altra di Dio......durante un momento di depressione e di tristezza profonda vide solo un'impronta......pensando di essere stato lasciato solo, cominciò adisperarsi e a chiedersi perchè mai Dio lo avesse abbandonato
L'Infinito gli rispose:"non ti abbandonerei mai...quando vedi solo un'impronta,vuol dire che ti sto portando in braccio..........
Amore solo amore.............................
Thank you Nadia for the great share. What an interesting way to grow up with such a broad perspective between Christianity and Buddhism!!!
ΔιαγραφήI was raised Catholic and it never felt correct to me, when I was a teenager I read Herman Hesse, Siddhartha and it got my attention.
"This is the new era of the Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, leader of the Angels of Transparency whose mission is to transform the Earth in the House of Light, bringing us to hand over the crisis and fears ........" ~ I feel this deeply, they especially work with the Lightworkers on the planet. I have a feeling you are a Lightworker as well!
I love the story about the "footprints" in the sand, we a truly never alone!
Πάντα έλεγα ευχαριστώ σε ένα άυλο "κάτι" για αυτά που είμαι και αυτά που έχω.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΗ λογική μου, τρομακτικά τετράγωνη κάποιες φορές, χρειάζεται στοιχεία για να πεισθεί. Η ψυχή μου τα αισθάνεται αυτά τα στοιχεία στη Φύση, στην Τέχνη, στην Αγάπη.
Μεγάλωσα σε μια οικογένεια που με έμαθαν να προσπαθώ σκληρά για να καταφέρω αυτά που επιθυμώ και ονειρεύομαι, να προσφέρω, να είμαι δυνατή. Έτσι, μέχρι σήμερα δεν είχε περάσει από τη σκέψη μου ότι μπορώ να ζητήσω βοήθεια, καθοδήγηση, προστασία. Το "ευχαριστώ" προς το άυλο βγήκε αυθόρμητα από το στόμα μου. Πάντα ελπίζω πως κάποιος, κάτι, το ακούει και το δέχεται.
Δίνει μια ησυχία στη σκέψη μου η ύπαρξη του φύλακα άγγελου. Θέλω να υπάρχει. Πιθανά να τον χρειάζομαι κιόλας. Είναι πολύ όμορφη και δύσκολη συγχόνως η Ύπαρξη για να την βιώνεις μόνος.
Josephine, σκέψεις καινούργιες για μένα, έδωσες μια προοπτική σ΄αυτό που ήθελα να υπάρχει. Σ΄ευχαριστώ για το όμορφο κείμενο.
Anastassia, thank you so much for your wonderful response, your words touched me deeply.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήI believe that gratitude is one of the, if not THE, most important virtues to practice. That you have known and have been doing it intuitively is really quite impressive and powerful.
“It gives a calmness in my mind the existence of guardian angels. I want to have.”
I felt this very same way when I first learned about them and started asking their assistance right away and continued to.
I have always been very independent and not asked for help easily. There have been times in my life when I have had to and those times have proven to be most humbling and greatest lessons of my life.
It is still difficult for me to ask for assistance but these days I pray and also ask my Angels guidance first. I am happy to know that I am never alone and never have been.
Thank you once again for your beautiful words, you brightened my day!
Love and Light ~ Josephine
All the sky it seems dark,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAs I'm walking through a park,
But the face, it is too bright to see,
Or the sun might rise high,
On an orange kind of sky,
But the day, it seems too dark for me...
Great job, you did here Josephine.
Really great job.
Good for the Mind.
In terms of substance,
I have not yet settled
in what I believe.
I see the reiki thing with some skepticism yet.
Thank you Foivos...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήDon't know what to tell you about Reiki..
It's a feel thing so one needs to experience to decide maybe..
It is most important to me and what I use in my artwork...
I find great value in it it is a big part of me.
Πάντως, δουλειά που έκανες εδώ λάμπει από την φροντίδα, την συμμετοχή και την αγάπη σου.
ΔιαγραφήΗ δε παρουσίαση του θέματος είναι έξοχη.
You touch my heart very sweetly, thank you so much Phoebus for creating the wonderful space for many to share and shine.